First of all, let me say that I feel so bad!! I mistyped some info in one of my earlier posts this week that I thought was right at the time. I was going through some older posts and ran across this post from last year. So, let me clarify, I've been a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. for FIVE YEARS...not four! LOL. I definitely charge this one to my head because I've had a lot going on and getting these posts out every other day hasn't been an easy task. BUT!! My start date was in the post (January 25th, 2009) and nobody said anything!! So...I blame you guys for not pointing it out! :-) Just kidding. I keep forgetting it's 2014 because time is flying by just that fast! Look, it's already the last day of January for Pete's sake!
Now that that's settled.... Yesterday was my 2nd Naturalversary (and I made sure to calculate it right this time). I had my last relaxer on January 30th, 2012!!
- I told my AWESOME story last year in Do You Know What Today Is?.
- Recently, in my One Year Post BC post, I shared three pointers about my natural hair journey
- And then in my Holiday Salon Visit post, I talked about some of the pot holes I've hit recently in regards to my hair, steps I hope to take to get back on track, and goals I hope to reach this year with my hair.
A few updates:
- I've decided to do length checks every other month instead of monthly this year and because of that I don't have a length check for you today.
- I still waiver back and forth about having to do my own hair. Some days I'm all for it, other days I'm not. I mentioned that I wanted a sew-in and now I'm not even sure if I still want to do that. I've had some extra time on my hands because of snow and administrative closings at work, so I've tried some different things with my hair during that time. Because those things turned out well, I'm encouraged...TODAY! Lol. I know this will soon fade as the time comes, again and again, to wash my hair or when I run out of things to try with my hair. If I decide to get the sew-in, I really want to have my hair covered for about 4 to 6 months. If that's the case, I need to get on the ball! I've got some decisions to make.
- I think I might be to the point where I'm ready to say cut all the split ends off and I'll just go from there. People do second big chops all the time. I'm not saying I'm going to go as far as doing a second big chop because I don't truly know how damaged my hair is. It's one thing for me to say cut it now...but once the hair is gone it's gone...and who's to say that cutting all the split ends will solve the problem? Cutting it may create even more split I'm still contemplating. Plus, my hair's in a shedding stage right now. It sheds so much it would probably mat under the sew-in...LOL...jk!
- Another reason I'm unsure about getting a sew-in is because I FINALLY signed up for the curlBOX. It's so exclusive now that there's a closed VIP list you have to get on to get the box. I just so happened to get encouraged about getting a box around the time they opened the list. These boxes will allow me to try some new items without paying an arm and a leg for it. I get my first box next month and I'm anxious and curious to try it out.
Could I be happier, of course. I miss my cosme and doing hair isn't one of those things that comes natural to me. I've never been "da bomb" at doing hair...whether it was on somebody else's head or my own. It's a lot of work, but I'm still committed and I will stay committed until I see the results I want to see!!
So, Happy 2 Year Naturalversary to me!!!
Only a few days left to enter the Valentine's Day Cash Giveway for your chance to win $350!! Eight days and hurry!! :-)
It's the weekend, ENJOY!
Follow Mi!