Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Social

I will go on and preface this by saying January is my new blog month. I've mentioned in several posts how this is my year to expand my blog. I've also highlighted some of my favorite posts from last year to show off what I've done (despite computer issues). This week's Sunday Social just so happens to go along with my monthly theme, so I saw it as a sign that I had to participate!

Sunday Social

1. What is the name of your blog? How long have you been blogging?
The name of my blog is Just Mi! I've been blogging for one year! Read My 1st Blogiversary to see what I had to say about it!

2. Why do you blog?
In one word, HAIR! That's the main reason I started blogging. I talked about my blog spot in a couple of places: Sunday Social, About Mi, Liebster Award #3, etc. etc. Of course my blog has grown into a place where I feel comfortable doing other things besides talking about sharing recipes, talking about me and the things I go through or have gone through, participating in blog hops, and so on. I've actually started a series where I'll be sharing some of my favorite posts from my first year periodically called the Flashback series. I just posted my first one this past Friday. Check it out here: Flashback Friday!

3. What is the first blog you ever followed?

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My best friend, IRL, Nicole's blog @ Pharr Away. She's a major reason why I became interested in blogging. Check her out!

4. What is your favorite post you wrote in 2013?
My favorite post was I'm An Introvert - 2. I felt really misunderstood as an "introvert", so I really wanted to devote some space on my blog to talking about it. This post is my most viewed (and the series was definitely the most commented on) post. It made me feel good to know there were so many people who could relate to the things I had to say about being an Introvert. Check out the other posts in that series too: Let's Just Admit It...I'm An Introvert, I'm An Introvert - 3, I'm An Introvert - 4, I'm An Introvert - 5, Introvert Finale.

5. What are your blogging goals for 2014.
As I said in my intro paragraph, 2014 is all about blog expansion for me! The first year was like a trial. I had to jump out there, get my feet wet, get over some of the hesitations I had, and learn as much as I could.  Now I'm ready to dive in head first! My focus is on growing my blog and creating better connections with other bloggers.

6. Top 3 favorite blogs to follow?
I talked about three of my favorite blogs in this post, so I'll highlight three other blogs that I've come to enjoy a little more over the year.

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So that's it for this social. Definitely go and check the ladies out that I've mentioned in this post as well as check out some of my older posts that's I've linked in today and....

Please, please, PLEASE! follow me on my new Twitter account (@justmiblog)!!!! 
To go hand in hand with my blog expansion I had to get with it!!

Be Blessed!

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Follow Mi!
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  1. Awwww, thanks so much for the shoutout! I love your hair and lifestyle blog!
    -Natasha @ Lovely You

  2. lovely, i am glad i found your blog! I am already following all 3 of your best blogs so that is cool! love your hop central tag.

  3. Thanks for the shout-out, dear! It never gets old :)!!!

  4. WOW! Thank you soooo much! I love reading about your natural hair journey.


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