Monday, July 21, 2014

Softball 2014

I'm sure you guys don't know this about me, but I used to play softball. My mom was an all-star back her day. In high school she played volleyball, basketball, and softball and she was extremely good at all three. She actually got a scholarship to play ball in college. Everyone me and my sister would meet from her hometown or that went to school with her would ask if we played ball like our Moma! Her jersey was retired at her high school, so she's something like a celebrity! LOL

My mom back in '07
I said all that to say that she's played softball all of my life. She plays rec ball with ladies in the area and she's continued to play to this day! Matter of fact, I'm sure she has a game tonight!! Every year she says she's not going to play anymore, but she never stays true to that. She's an athlete. She simply can't just watch the game, she has to play!

She's definitely inspired me to play!! Me, my sister (who played softball throughout high school), and other family members watch her play every year. She just makes it look so easy. I wanted to get back out there so bad! I intended on playing with her before I left, but I didn't get the opportunity to do that. The opportunity presented itself here and fairly early on, so I took it as a sign.

The first time I met my team's coach (which was probably like the 2nd or 3rd week after I started) he invited me to play on the company team. Mind you, I started in August...the softball season had just ended and he was already recruiting for the next year! He says he asks all the new employees to play and usually people don't. I told him I would, but I'm sure he hears that from other coworkers who end up coming up with excuses later on...but I was serious about my commitment!

Time came around for softball to start and we had our meeting. Everyone was made aware that this was a competitive team and while we want to have fun, we also want to win too! We practiced and we started our season in April. We did very well and went undefeated until we had two bye weeks back to back. We lost our rhythm and ended up losing the next 3 games we played. Now we're in a position where we have to win the rest of the games in our season to be considered for the tournament.

I've enjoyed every minute of playing. The last time I played softball was in the 7th or 8th grade, so I was a little rusty. I've gotten better as the season has gone on and now that I feel like I'm at my peak, the season is almost over!!

The name on my jersey says "K-Town Tarheel"! K-Town for my hometown of Kinston. Tarheel for the greatest school in the world...The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I'm a representer of both, so I felt it was very fitting! Also, I use number 4, which is the Henderson number. Every sport we all play, we all use the number 4.

It's been good to get out and be active and I've met some great people! There's a fall league that I'm considering playing in, but I'm not sure. Fall is a busy season! We'll just have to see.

There are three games left. Wish us luck!

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  1. Sounds like you've been having fun! I know your mom is cheering you on from back home. :-)

  2. I get that #4 is the Henderson number...but why is that?

    Mario's number is 11. The first one is for Christ as number 1 and the second is for himself as number 1. Together the numbers look like the roman number II, since he is the second (i.e. Mario P. II). I really like all the meaning behind a number like that :), so that's why I ask!

    1. Because there are 4 of us (originally - Mom, Dad, me, & Neesha)!!


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