Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Taco Salad

Someone a few years ago taught me how to make Taco Salad. I used to make it all the time back in the day but had forgotten all about it! I guess with the recent Super Bowl and all the pizza/taco/nacho kind of jogged my brain a little.

This recipe, like many of the recipes I try out these days, is an easy one. It's just like making tacos!!

  • Because I put the sour cream on top of the
    salsa, the red smears into the white...
    BUT don't let that look fool you!
    It's a masterpiece!
    1 pound of Ground beef
  • Taco Seasoning
  • Lettuce
  • Sour Cream
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Salsa
  • Tortilla Chips ( I prefer Tostitos Scoops)
  1. Brown the ground beef and add the taco seasoning.
  2. Drain the ground beef
  3. Layer the taco salad as you see fit!!
    • for instance, I layer my salad laying the tortilla chips down first, then the lettuce, ground beef, cheese, salsa, and sour cream
Easy, peasy right! Lol. This is a meal that doesn't last long so I'd suggest doubling, even tripling, your portions if you have a bigger family.

Try this quick recipe and let me know how you like it!

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  1. OMG this looks good except I am picky when it comes to meat...I don't like the taste of most meat so I would use extra lean ground chicken as usual, and I would probably use low fat everything but other then that I am down for making this! I love taco night at my house! it looks like a taco lasagna lol


  2. YUM

    I love tacos! They probably get super sick of them in my house because I am ALWAYS talking about tacos lol

  3. This sounds easy and delicious...a must try!!!

  4. I must try this! Super easy and looks so delicious!!!


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