Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Hair Inspiration

I'm a reality TV junkie! Well, sort of...lol. I was watching a marathon of R&B Divas of L.A. the other day and I couldn't stop oohing and aahing over Chante Moore's hair. For those of you who don't know, Chante Moore was a singer in the late 90's, now she's on the R&B Divas show.

There have been a few ladies that have made me marvel at their hair and wish mine was more like theirs...so I decided to shout them out today!

1. Chante Moore

She's so very pretty and this hair is just the cherry on top! You can't really tell from this picture but that left side of hair is shaved. Not many people can pull off the partially shaved hair look, but Chante gets a 2 thumbs up for hers! Her hair is so beautiful and I LOVE IT!! Now, I'm not completely sure if all that hair is hers (*side eye*) but the texture of her hair (not necessarily the length) is what I love!

Before being natural, I've always admired Tracee's hair! When becoming natural was a thought for me, she is who I would watch to see what she was doing with her hair. I love her hair and she does some lovely things with it from time time...definitely an inspiration!!

3. Corinne Bailey Rae

Pinterest became a big deal right around the time I started going natural. I noticed Corinne's hair one day while I was on a Pinterest expedition. When she put her first song out in 2005, she had short natural hair, but natural hair wasn't even a thought then, so I paid it no mind. Fast forward a couple of years later, I saw her on Pinterest with this beautiful long natural hair and I was like 'Wow!'. This definitely demonstrated that with time hair can do some amazing things.


I was at church and one of the members stopped me and asked if I knew who Esperanza Spalding was. I thought it was a weird question and politely responded that I did not. He then went on to tell me that I looked a lot like her with my afro. So I'm thinking, she must be a nice looking young lady then!! I kid...lol...but indeed she is! We have very similar hair types, which is a type of hair that is very different from the three ladies mentioned above, however we both love to rock our fro's just the way they are!

I know I can't change my hair texture nor am I saying that I don't like my own texture. Spending time in the salon, I've noticed that a lot of times we (women) want different hair than the hair that's on our heads!! I absolutely love my hair, but the ladies I've pointed out are exactly what I've named this article..hair inspiration! I may not have that texture, but I can definitely rock some of the styles that they rock!! Who knows, I might pop up with a shaved side one day...LOL...so be on the lookout!


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  1. I love Corinne and Tracee's hair!

    1. I know. You have a very similar texture to these ladies, so I'm sure you can pull off a lot of their hairstyles!

  2. I love Tracee's hair. I look to her for hair inspiration too (I have all 8 seasons + the finale DVDs), not that my hair is ever going to be as long or big as hers but a girl can still dream with my small amount of hair:-)

    1. Yes! You watch Girlfriends for the show...but to also see her hair and outfits! LOL

  3. I'm obsessed with Tracee's hair!! Def my hair crush

    1. I love it. I hate that Girlfriend's doesn't come on anymore. But that's okay...I follow her on Instagram!!!

  4. I love Tracee Ellis Ross's hair!

    1. I think a lot of people love Tracee's hair. It's always been so big and out there since day one. She couldn't hide it. So when people look for hair inspiration, she's a great person to go to that for! I love it!!


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