Thursday, August 1, 2013

July '13 Length Check

Good gracious y'all. It's August 1! Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new year.

In June, I did a compilation of length checks as a summary of where my hair has come from. I got a trim then so I didn't exactly do the normal length check picture. This month, I kept reminding myself to take a length check picture but I've had so much going on that I couldn't retain all the things I needed to do to actually get them done. So, I've had to do my length check picture with the available hair I have at the moment, lol.

I'll show you the last three months worth of pictures to give you an idea of what's going on.

May 28 = 69 weeks natural, 28 weeks since the BC

June 18 (picture on the left) = I got my ends trimmed
72 weeks natural, 31 weeks since the BC 

July 30 (picture on the right) = 78 weeks natural (or 1 year 6.5 months...woot!),
37 (a little over 9 months) weeks since the BC

My hair continues to do well and flourish. I can tell it's getting longer because I'm starting to notice JUST A LITTLE hang time! Lol. I'm trying to get it in my head that I probably won't see the growth I'm looking for until around 2, 2.5, or 3 I might as well get comfortable with what I have (not that I haven't been, I guess I'm just trying to rush the process).

I'm still not happy with the shrinkage, but I'm learning to be prepared for it and okay with it now that it's starting to get longer. I've been having some trouble with "rough" ends and frizz. I haven't exactly figured out how to combat this so I've been over moisturizing to compensate. 

I'm going to have to figure something out soon, but for now I'll give my hair a B+! 

Go hair! Go me!!


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  1. Hi Hanna!! I'm glad you stopped by!

  2. Nice!!

    My hair is always dry; I put so much in it to keep it moisturized, but it's a continued work in progress :) So far, Argan Oil is working and I'm trying coconut oil as well.

    1. It seems like every time I wash and condition my hair myself, it is extremely dry. The best thing I've found to work is a Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter. It's a whipped curl it's a little thicker. I slather it on for a few days and it seems to hold up very well. It smells good too. Now that I got a few things changing in my life, I'm going to have to start putting more work into my hair myself. YouTube, here I come! LOL!!

  3. Love your hair looks great! Have you tried stretching your hair?

    1. No, I haven't tried that, but I've wanted to. I feel like it would come in handy for certain styles I want to do. I haven't tried it because I'm afraid it won't turn out right. If it doesn't turn out right then I'm going to have to wear my hair that way ALL DAY! LOL...but as I told Lisi I'm going to have to start putting more time into my hair myself, so I may be more open to trying different things these days.


What are you thoughts?!

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