Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Waiting in the Work

Wait On God

This spoke to me this morning, so I had to share it
via #SheReadsTruth
This is a such an on time Word. Have you ever wanted something so bad you'd do whatever you could to get it?! I was just talking with my sister about something I want to happen in my life so badly that waiting has become excruciating! She was drilling into me how patience is key, especially with matters that will affect the rest of [your] life. As much as I know I need to wait on Him, it still gets hard some times. I know this is His message to me.

God has prepared many things for us to do and see and make no move without Him. Know that it pleases God to give us more than we could ever imagine to ask for. So be willing to wait on Him.

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1 comment

  1. You know I know how much this message was for you! So glad that you received it!


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