Today is my beautiful sister's birthday and I wanted to wish her the best of days today!! She and her friend will be making a journey to the big city to celebrate!! We will be having what we call "Turn Up Time"! LOL

To reminisce a little bit, I can still remember that Halloween 23 years ago! I was with my cousin, dad, and aunt. Me and my cousin were racking up on all kinds of good candy when we got the heads up that my Mom was going into labor. We had to cut our Halloween short that night so you can imagine the way we took that bit of news!! But I took to being a big sister very well. My mom always says that I treated her like she was my child!! We played together, laughed together, cried together, got in trouble together, grew up together and both became great, smart, young women. We are very close and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything in this world!!
The world is changing daily and things aren't quite like they were when I was growing up so...I want to wish you all safety and fun times on this day!!
And here's one more very happy birthday to my little sister! Happy Birthday Girl!!
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So cute! I love my sister, we are 2 yrs apart and we do everything together. I call her my shadow because everywhere I go she goes.