It's Tuesday. The week has just begun and Friday cannot get here fast enough! First things first, I set up this post to automatically go out this morning...AND IT DIDN'T WORK!! Lol, so this post is 4 1/2 hours late going out *mad face*
Now, Hallie from Life: Oceanside did a First things First last week and asked these questions. Although she has not yet posted for a link up today, I'm still going to give her a shout out for it anyway!!
First thing you do when you get home
Well there's a routine I follow when I get home. I walk in the house and the first thing I pass is the TV. So I turn the cable box on then turn the TV on. There are very few days when I turn neither of them on (you guys know the kinds of days I'm talking about)! Even when I'm not watching TV, I like to have the TV on for background noise. Helps me feel like I'm engaging with a friend who's talking nonstop (you don't really have to listen!!
Your "first" date with your now significant other
Wow. The first date CB and I had was a lunch date at Olive Garden on Christmas Eve! How can one forget a Christmas Eve first date?! I can remember parts of it like it was yesterday. I remember where we sat in the restaurant and everything. When he first asked me to go on the date, the first word that came to mind was shock! I have a bad memory for some things, but I tend to remember special things like this a little more than I can remember anything else.
Your first email address
Ha! My first email address was This email stands for: my initials (mlh); the year I was going to graduate from high school (03); and I guess I thought I was cute (cutie)...LOL! I was a teenager when I opened that account...probably around 14 or 15! It seems like so long ago! I still go into it every now and then, but it probably wouldn't hurt to deactivate it.Ah, reminiscing! What are your firsts??
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